At engineering's various branches (civil, mechanical, environmental, industrial, between other ones). We have seen more and more an extensive action field of the technology on these, because each day the communities manage to get in more in the technological age and revolution, where the society worries about the invention and manufacture of products that satisfy the human’s necessities, it is important jut the various options that the people are going to have for choose for engineers’ big production and innovation, thanks to the new information-technology methods that facilitate the elaboration of these.
In the course of history, it has noted that the man has had the necessity of create, sketch and build. Since the antique Greece, it created principles thanks to scientifics like Arquimedes and his studies about mechanics; the engineering bloomed and established itself as such in the modern age thanks to physiques like Newton, Galileo Galilei, between other ones, highlighted in the history that allowed between the knowledge the technological development that further on the contemporary age, it allowed a development between the engineering and the technology, generating more and more advances in the humanity. 
Also, thanks to the new technologies that are suitable for the study in the faculties of engineering, facilitates the learning of the different fields of knowledge such as physics, mathematics, algebra, programming, calculus, etc., that specialize, programmes for the development of numerical systems and sotfwares for design, allow viewing different and computing, which in comparison to past times, the study of these races makes it easy for the development of humanity.
When technology goes hand in hand with any engineering, produce advances that are useful for everyone, but many times, passes otherwise, they can create weapons and nukes, being this, something bad for society, creating a cultural backwardness through technological advancement. Therefore, these weapons that lead to war, will bring catastrophic consequences for the present and the future, thus affecting aspects such as health, the economy, politics and society.
It is worth mentioning that for many years, people have been concerned by transform and improve their conditions of life, to make it more convenient and easy for all, for this was the need to find resources that are not limited to the use of the human. As a result, the clearing of forests, extinction of ecosystems and biodiversity limitation occurred.
Actually, has viewed a very close relationship between each engineering, where has forming a dependences some about others. For example, in the systems engineering that is the most related with the technology are created software’s and programs for later be applied to other branches engineering for the infrastructure design or machines, where across of other processes of technological production with its proper adaptation in factories or different establishments allow the creation of innovative objects within the trade and poblational demand. An example would the development of this for the manufacture of solar panels.
Highlight then the great impact caused by the technology in the engineerings, what has permitted advances in the current world and the formation of news knowledge for the man. Trying search for technological and scientific methods to generate more progress that the than today.

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